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Aloe Vera Plant.
Submitted by: Melita
UkI’m a 18 year old girl and went through a lot of trouble with family, friends, and relationships. I made three wrong decisions but they helped guide me. I still feel unworthy and insecure but I’m trying to use the law of attraction now as I have just read your book!
I was going to school and I was 14 when I saw an Aloe Vera plant. Then all of a sudden, I really wanted one. I did not know why but I could not get it out of my mind. I asked my parents for one but they said that they do not have enough money to buy one. I was sad but I just knew that one day I would get one. I didn’t know about the law off attraction back then but I wish I did.
When I turned 15 I went into year 10 in my school and the school would take us to a college every Friday to get a taste of what it was like. We were in the floristry class when the teacher mentioned that we would be working with Aloe Vera plants. I got really excited and at the end of the class, the teacher gave everyone a baby Aloe Vera plant! I grew it for 2 years. When I left home at 16 my dad promised to take care of it. I know it’s not much of a story but that situation meant a lot to me as I always had bad stuff in my life and I attracted something good that I wanted.