The Greatest Secret
Rhonda Byrne’s new and most important book to date is now available worldwide.
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Every question will be answered, every desire will be fulfilled. Never again do you need to be afraid, never again do you need to suffer.
We’ve missed the truth for thousands of years because we’ve not looked at what is right in front of us. We’ve become easily distracted by our problems, the drama in our lives, the comings and goings of the events in the world, and we’ve missed the greatest discovery we can make that is right here before us – a discovery that can take us out of suffering and into lasting bliss and happiness.
The Greatest Secret is a quantum leap that will take the reader beyond the material world to where all possibilities exist. The teachings in these pages will dissolve fears and uncertainty, anxiety and pain. Filled with revelatory words of spiritual teachers from around the world past and present, The Greatest Secret is a profound master work that offers readers everywhere a direct path to end suffering and to live a life of deep joy.
Once you know
The Greatest Secret,
freedom is yours.
“The Secret book showed you how to create anything you want to be, do, or have. Nothing has changed – it is as true today as it ever was. This book reveals the greatest discovery a human being can ever make, and shows you the way out of negativity, problems, and what you don’t want, to a life of permanent happiness and bliss.
It simply doesn’t get any better than this. It is my greatest joy to welcome you to The Greatest Secret.” – From the Introduction
Contributors to The Greatest Secret include: Sailor Bob Adamson; Julian Barbour; David Bingham; Deepak Chopra, MD; Anthony DeMello, SJ; Hale Dwoskin; Peter Dziuban; Jan Frazier; Joel Goldsmith; Dr. David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD; Michael James; Byron Katie; Loch Kelly; Jiddu Krishnamurti; Dr. Robert Lanza; Peter Lawry and Kalyani Lawry; Lester Levenson; Francis Lucille; Shakti Caterina Maggi; Ramana Maharshi; Mooji; Jac O’Keeffe; Max Planck; Sri Poonja; Rose Cross Order; Rumi; Peter Russell; Rupert Spira; Eckhart Tolle; The Upanishads; Alan Watts; Pamela Wilson; Paramahansa Yogananda
To find out more about the Featured Teachers in The Greatest Secret click here.
About the Author
Rhonda Byrne is the creator behind The Secret, a documentary film that swept the world in 2006, changing millions of lives and igniting a global movement. The following year Rhonda’s book The Secret was released, which was translated into 50 languages and remains one of the longest-running bestsellers of this century. Her other bestselling titles include The Power (2010), The Magic (2012), and Hero (2014). Rhonda was born in Australia and now lives in California.
Audio Sample 1, Read by Rhonda Byrne
Audio Sample 2, Read by Rhonda Byrne
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