Below are all stories archived as Feel Good
I Attract Exactly What I Desire.
Lately, I have noticed that everything I ask for comes to light. This is down to the daily positive rituals I do in The Secret Super App, which has helped me reconnect with my creator and my spiritual beliefs. I am a lot more patient, happier, joyful, and content. I am so grateful that I…
Read More →Miracles Happen.
I had this place in my mind where I wanted to live and earn a good salary. I had gone to this place on my honeymoon and I fell in love with it. I prayed to God and the Universe and then I let it go. Finally, ten years later, my desire had been manifested…
Read More →Dream Comes True.
I am extremely excited to share my story and I am so very grateful for the opportunity to do so here. I come from a poor family, and my father worked as an operator in a sugar factory. I always dreamed of having a good job and a good salary. So, I used the law…
Read More →The Magic.
I have been following The Secret since 2009. It helped me so much to lead my life in a positive way. But as time went on, life happened, and I got back into the habit of negative thinking. So, I decided to start doing the 28 days of The Magic practices. I am on the…
Read More →Believe And You Will Receive!
I had been waiting for this moment for a long time. I wanted to share my story with those who believe in The Secret. Yesterday, I decided to write about my experience today with great happiness. I have been following and practicing The Secret for a few years, but I stopped doing it when I…
Read More →The Vision Of An Architect.
Hi guys, First of all, I want to say thank you to God and Jesus Christ for making this dream possible. Thank you to Ma’am Rhonda Byrne, The Secret team, and everyone who shares their inspiring stories. I want to share how I got my architect license that I always wanted ever since I was…
Read More →Manifesting Money And A Better Life.
I was struggling really badly with finding work and having money to survive, and then I started a new job. I was wearing trainers with holes in them, waiting for my first paycheck. My feet were wet all day while working, but I kept positive throughout the whole situation, keeping my mindset on a happy…
Read More →Manifested Biryani.
Dear all, Thank you for reading my story. Also, thank you for submitting your stories; it really helps me to keep my faith in the Universe and the law of attraction. Last night, after reading a few stories on this website, I decided to try manifesting something again. I started with something simple – food,…
Read More →Got My Facebook Account Back Without Password.
As a first-year technical student, I discovered “The Secret” last year. At first, I thought it was impossible to change my life using the law of attraction. However, I was willing to try anything to improve my life. As a teenager, I wanted to ensure that this was the right approach. I had three important…
Read More →The Candy Man.
I discovered The Secret back when it was first released but I was too young to fully understand and apply it to my mature life. Now that I am a full grown adult, I am wiser and my troubled and rebellious teen mind is replaced with knowledge and wisdom. The Secret has come back into…
Read More →Gained My Freedom And I Am Enjoying It!
A year or two ago I wrote a story on The Secret Super App about becoming a successful full-time artist. I used a process of affirming for myself exactly what it was that I wanted, and I watched that come to life for me. I have used that exact same process to manifest my freedom…
Read More →Magically Healed.
I am truly grateful I found The Secret. My story is a quick one. I had a bad upper thigh cramp after running in the park, and I was having difficulty walking or doing workouts because of it. I thought I would have to go to the doctor, but suddenly, I changed my thoughts after…
Read More →Blessings All Around.
At the end of my high school years, I found myself at the lowest point in my life. It felt like I was in a bottomless pit, falling deeper and deeper into a dark hole. However, I realized that my victim mentality was not helping at all, and I needed to take accountability for my…
Read More →Miraculous Changes.
I am a 25-year-old girl from India. I learned about The Secret in 2016, and my life was beautifully changed. Alhamdulillah (thanks to God or the Universe) for such an amazing gift and the power of positive thinking. I applied The Secret during my University years, and it worked miraculously. My life became heavenly, and…
Read More →If You Want It You Can Have It.
I grew up in the United States with my family. When I found out about The Secret I was 21 and living in an apartment complex. The person working in the office there suggested to me that I watch “The Secret” movie and to get into crystals. I went on my Birthright trip last summer…
Read More →Costa Rica Vacation.
I am so grateful for this community and for sharing all our positive stories. I appreciate Rhonda and have read every Secret book there is, and watched The Secret, the movie many, many times. I have all the The Secret apps and now the deck of cards. And I have so many beautiful stories because…
Read More →A Little Test.
Sometimes I forget to practice The Secret especially when things seem hopeless. I try to believe and remain positive but then I fall back. Lately, we have been struggling with our small business. The last two years have been difficult and our debt seems overwhelming. I know we will succeed as our sales are now…
Read More →Found The Secret.
This is my first time writing on this platform. Prior to this, I had never even heard about the law of attraction or Rhonda until one of my friends told me about The Secret book. This was in the middle of February. After watching The Secret movie and reading the book, I started practicing what…
Read More →Finding My Favorite Ring.
It is a little thing but I need to share it because it is a very fast manifestation. Today in the morning I was gathering some water bottles and after finishing my stuff I move on to my office. Then suddenly I realized that I had lost my gold ring which was a gift from…
Read More →Health Manifestation.
I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and depression. I had terrible hypochondriasis, aka health anxiety. I used to cry a lot regarding my health. I was very scared about my health or about getting any illness. My therapist is a big law of attraction believer and introduced me to scripting. This, by far, has been…
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