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Manifesting With A Letter.
Submitted by: luiza r
brazilJust an 18 year old girl just knowing she deserves the best in life.
Hello to the team of The Secret! How are you?
My name is Luiza. I am 18 years old and I am a beginner with the law of attraction. Well, not quite a beginner. I discovered The Secret when I was 14 years old but I only deepened my knowledge and stopped being lazy about it when I was at a time when I was feeling helpless.
I tried all the techniques but the one that worked the most for me was scripting, writing letters to God, to the Universe as if it had already happened.
I was having a bad week, bad days, and feeling helpless so I wrote. I wrote that I fell in love with life again and that I went to chat with a very dear friend. We were together in school and we laughed a lot together. We lost contact almost 1 year ago. I also wrote that I got a job!! I put the letter in a heart envelope, an origami that I had made. And guess what???
The very next day my friend called me on Instagram. I was in shock! She said she talked to several people until she found my account. That was when I realized how powerful I am when I express myself in writing. I found the technique I was born to use! I gradually fell in love with life. Just yesterday my friend asked me to work at Christmas at his father’s shop! Everything I wrote about I manifested, even without having to take action for it. It just came to me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you so very much to Rhonda. Thank you so very much to the team at The Secret. I promise to take good care of my actions and my power to only attract love and good things. I will come back with bigger success stories. I am extremely happy. Now I know that I always deserve the very best in life. I feel so happy to find my manifestation technique! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you and much love to all.