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Giving myself the BEST of the BEST
Submitted by: Cristina Aguilar
Bigfork, MontanaWriter, author of "Gypsy Wisdom" and spiritual teacher
For the past few years I’ve been utilizing “The Secret” without even knowing it. My husband and I recently moved. For the past year we had no idea where we were moving, we wanted to stay in the same neighborhood and keep our phone numbers intact. We were afraid that we couldn’t afford it, but we would push that doubt aside, we had to!! We would dream about what we NEEDED, what we wanted and what we could afford. We never shopped for a house, never called a real estate agent, all we did was dream and talk about it and what we would do when we moved. About seven months ago, a friend and neighbor asked me if I wanted to buy her house.
Not only was the house in the same neighborhood but it was ridiculously affordable. So affordable most of you would faint when I tell you we bought a 10 room house for less than $25,000 and our payments are less than $440 per month. I usually don’t share that, but it’s exactly what we wanted and needed, talk about GRATEFUL. PLUS it’s not a fixer upper!!! It’s fabulous and I see the turkeys and the deer in my front yard out of my office window every morning
how fabulous is that?!?
Last night we watched. “The Secret” for the first time and realized that many of the things we had thought of have been manifested. My laptop, the house, my career goals but the movie also showed me, how powerfully I’ve manifested the bad stuff in my life. High cholesterol, weight gain, depression etc NOW that I know about this wonderful SECRET and the explanation is there on why I attract what I do WOW, the universe is limitless, a catalog.
Today I’m seeing myself as a strong healthy woman, normal weight, normal cholesterol levels and love, love, love all around me. But I’m not stopping there, no way, I see my own book on the NY Times best seller list. I see a new car right now, AND I see my children and all those around me as HAPPY! I love The SECRET!!!.