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The Beginning.
Submitted by: AK
Jakarta, Indonesia19 years old. I am a communication, entertainment, beauty business and enthusiast.
Hi all. First of all, thank you to everyone who shared their stories on this website. It really gives me the courage to apply The Secret more consistently.
I always dream of writing my story here!
I already knew The Secret. I first watched it six years ago. I had already been applying it in my daily life, but there was something wrong because I rarely got the result I wanted.
As the years passed, I still searched for my mistake until one day about a month ago, I realized that I do not believe in the Universe. I overthink everything, visualize too much, and do not apply the “let it go” process.
I often cried when I applied The Secret because I was frustrated that my wish usually did not come true. That made it worse, of course. One day, I could be so positive, but then a few hours later, I could be so sad and ungrateful.
I am considered a very sensitive and overthinking person, which makes it hard to let go of everything that I always imagined and desired. But for two days, I decided to try to be more relaxed. At that time, I really missed my ex-boyfriend, but there was no way I would contact him first, mostly due to my pride, haha. So, I visualized myself in a happy, calm mood; I imagined him calling me and asking me how I was doing and so on. Then I let it go. Amazingly, just 15 minutes later, he texted me by sending funny messages! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
One and half years a go ago, I broke up with my ex for a very unclear reason. I cried almost every day for a year and a half, thinking, what the hell went wrong? In my heart, I always knew that we were going to be back together in a stronger and tighter relationship. I applied The Secret to help me recover.
Some of the things that I visualized did come true, but the rest did not. At that time, I did not accept why we broke up, so the things between me and him were still unclear. We would still go out and act like boyfriend and girlfriend, but it only lasts when we meet.
One month ago, I finally let it go. I let myself be free by thinking that maybe it is for the best for the two of us if we break up. Amazingly, one day, we met and discussed why we broke up, and he confessed to me that he still loved me. Until that day, I had visualized that we would be boyfriend and girlfriend again, but in a more mature, serious, and honorable relationship. I realized one good thing about our breakup: When we broke up, we each became a better individual. My ex-boyfriend now acts, thinks, and speaks as the man that I always wanted him to be. He shows more respect, love, and affection towards me now. Little by little, he also goes out of his way to make it obvious that he wants me in his life. I am so grateful for this! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I have also applied The Secret to my career. I attracted the job position I wanted as Community Liaison Officer. I always dreamed of this position since I was 14 years old. Honestly, I always visualized myself working in a multinational, modern, transparent, happy, and dynamic working environment, which really matches the job I am applying for with a PR kind of job. Let me rewind to 5 days ago.
I asked my sister to ask her relatives or friends to find me a job. A few hours after I talked to her, she told me that there was an advertisement for the type of job I wanted. So, I sent my application to that office.
This is only the beginning. As each day goes by, I learn to be more grateful, happy, relaxed, and to accept everything the way it is. I am also applying The Magic at the moment.
You know, in order for me to be happy, sometimes I have to be hard on myself. In my case, I am pushing myself to always learn, to fight for what I want, to visualize, be positive, learning to ask and then letting it go. Letting it go was very hard for me in the beginning. It might seem hard the first few times, but trust me, being persistent is the key! You might have cried during this stage or wanted to give up, but keep trying.
I hope my story inspires all of you. You know, it has always been my dream to write on this page! Hehe. I’ll be back with more successful and happy stories.