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From Seeking To Becoming.
Submitted by: Anushka Bajpai Jain
LUCKNOW, INDIAI'm an influencer, writer, founder of a mental health NGO, an RJ and a TV presenter.
From being a bright student in school who always had an answer to what she wanted to become to being a clueless graduate who had no idea where she was headed, I was in utter misery. Not the kind many people understand because, on the surface, I was okay. I had an Instagram account that was getting me some fame, I had some projects going on that the world deemed as “cool”, and I was physically functioning well. But what everyone failed to see was the internal mental chaos I was going through every single day. I didn’t know what I wanted. At least that’s what I believed until I read The Secret.
After reading it I realized that I had, for all these years, in fact, known what I wanted deep in my heart but had simply believed it was all out of reach. That’s why I didn’t have it. What I had always wanted was to heal people, to be on stage, to be loved by the masses, and live a life of abundance. I never accepted it because I didn’t know “how” I’d be able to do all those things. But ‘The Secret’ told me that I didn’t have to know “how”, all I had to know was ‘what’ and ask for it, then it was all in the Universe’s hands. It was the most beautiful, liberating, life-changing realization for me.
To be honest, I did have some doubt about the idea though, so I first wanted to test it. Back then, I was concerned about money. So I asked the Universe for 10K INR in my bank account by the end of July. Then I made it a point to tell myself every day that I already had the money in my account, and I believed it. I thought of the things I’d buy, the restaurant I’d take my best friend to for a treat, and how happily I would say, “Yes it works!”
And guess what? That is exactly where I found myself at the end of the month. I got a wonderful project that paid me not 10k but 15K right away! I was in awe of the Universe. I remember gasping internally when the other party mentioned their budget. It was so easy! After that incident, I knew there was no going back for me. All my life I had sought my purpose, and now, I knew the Universe was on my side and it would help me get where I wanted to be.
So without fretting about how things would happen, I asked the Universe for what my heart truly desired: work that would fulfill me. A job I could be proud of and earn from abundantly! And within a few months, I had so much more than I had initially asked for! My Instagram blew up! I started getting brand collaborations every month, and it became a decent source of income for me. I started getting invited to events for hosting and conducting workshops on storytelling, I started touring for my show and all of them get sold out within the first hour of the tickets going live. I started my own mental health NGO that now has a team of 5 lovely people whom I pay for their work! I, the person who once wasn’t sure of earning just enough even for herself! What a 360° change! I have so much more going on in my life right now and I am so grateful for all of it. I went from being in a position where I didn’t know what I wanted, didn’t have any motivation or passion for life, and was financially unstable, sad, and clueless, to now living my best life! I am now abundant both financially and mentally, and truly fulfilled with what I do. I believe I have and am living a miracle. My career means everything to me, and I wouldn’t have reached here had I not believed it was possible for me in the first place. The book gave me permission to believe, and that, as you can see, has truly been a game-changer! To anyone who’s feeling lost, let this book be your guide. Trust me, you won’t regret it!