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My first Law of Attraction Test
Submitted by: Mark E.
Oakland, CA.49 year old photographer with a passion for bike racing. Trained hospice volunteer. Married to Susan, a wonderful woman, my life partner, best friend and most influencial spiritual guide.
While out on a bike training ride in the Oakland hills early last Sunday morning, my back wheel broke on a winding descent 20 miles from home. With the wheel unable to roll, I put the bike over my shoulder and began walking down a steep hill toward a busy road a few miles away. At first I simply hoped that one of the few passing motorists would see a cyclist in obvious need and volunteer their help. In a span of 10 minutes of walking, three cars passed. The drivers would look at me and then speed on. This rescue method was obviously not working.
The night before my wife and I had watched The Secret and I thought that this would be an opportunity to put the Law of Attraction into practice. Like the film says, have fun and start small. If I didn’t, I might be in for a long long walk.
I needed a phone to call my wife to come get me. So I visualized a passing motorist stopping to help. Be specific I thought. A man or a woman. A woman! I visualized talking to her by actually talking out loud “to her” as I walked down the road by myself. I asked her if she had a cell phone I could use and she said yes. Okay, be specific, what kind of cell phone. No, not a shiney black one like I have but a flat silver flip phone. Okay next, I thank her for the use of her phone and proceed to call my wife. I punch the numbers out by pushing my fingers into the air in the same pattern I would if I had a real phone dial pad in front of me. I have yet another audible conversation by myself, this time asking my wife to come get me. I continue to walk alone in the beautiful remote hills as I visualize specifics about what I want to attract.
Three or four minutes later, a car comes around the corner. It is a woman. She stops. I have the same conversation with her I had with my vision of her a few moments earlier. She agrees to let me use her cell phone. She pulls a flat silver flip phone out and hands it to me. I call my wife.
Is this the Law of Attractionin action? I think so!