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Spreading The News!
Submitted by: Jennifer
Tigard, OregonI'm a beautiful, loving, grateful woman. I live the way of law of attraction every single day and love every minute of it!!! :)
I have been living the law of attraction for my entire life, however just came to realize its power in the last few months, thanks to the book “The Secret”. I wanted to share a wonderful thing that happened to me today that enforced my belief of the law of attraction.
A few days ago I was trying to think of a way to get at least 5 COPIES of “The Secret” to the 5 most important people in my life. I figured it was about $30 for a copy and would cost a lot of money to get at least 5 copies of this book. I didn’t want to spend that much, but wanted to be able to give the best gift ever to 5 people I care about. So I asked the universe to give me 5 copies of The Secret without having to break the bank, sort of speaking.
That was on Friday. Today is Sunday. I forgot to check the mail on Saturday, so on my way out to get my daughter I went to the mail box. There was a magazine in the mail that looked good. It was titled “One Spirit”. It looked nice with some rose petals on the front cover and the logo said “Serenity…..simplicity…..harmony” Well that is how I’m living my life now, I thought. So I put it next to my seat on the garage and went on my way to pick up my daughter.
When I got home I grabbed my coffee and opened up this magazine. It was a book club that promised to give you 5 copies of any book inside for 40 cents. I browsed around and saw some books of interest, but nothing that caught my eye. Until I got half way through it. What did I see? A copy of “The Secret” for 40 cents!!!! AMAZING, you can get up to 5 COPIES for 40 cents? I thought there must be a catch right? How could I get a book for only 40 cents if the book was $23.95? I looked at the back of the magazine and of course there was a catch. I had to buy 4 books at full price in the next 2 years. Well I love to read, and of course I would buy 4 books in the next 2 years. What better way to do it then to take advantage of this offer. So I went ahead and signed up, and now I have 5 COPIES of The Secret on its way. I will be able to give 5 COPIES of The Secret to the most important people in my life.
What a gift!!!!!
Thank you for your amazing teachings that bring positive outcomes in people’s lives. I’m sooooo grateful for this book and teachings.