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Submitted by: Michael
Wales, UKWell, after watching the movie I was truly inspired to try using the Secret. I decided to experiment with a few things.
I wanted to find a pen (which is hard in my house), so I asked to find a pen. I did all the visualisations and about 10 minutes later my little sister comes into my room and she says, “Is this your pen?” I’m like totally freaked out. At first I thought it may be coincidence, so I tried again.
This time I remembered what I saw at the beginning of the film, and so I ask for a cup of coffee. So I did the same thing again, I imagined a cup of coffee, I visualised holding this cup of coffee, it’s nice and warm on my hands, I sip it carefully, this is a nice cup of coffee.
So I’m on the computer and in walks my mum. She says, “Cup of coffee?”
Now I truly believe. I can’t wait to see more results for the bigger things.