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Period Changes?!
Submitted by: The Fris
NetherlandsI am a master manifester! Each day I’m learning more and more about myself.
Hi everyone,
First, I want to thank all of you who submit your stories for people like me who are unlearning bad habits by creating new ones. I also want to thank Rhonda and everyone who exposed us to The Secret and changed our lives!
This story started when I read a story on The Secret Super App of a girl who managed to get her period to be on the exact days she wanted it to be. To me, that was a wake-up call since I had just learned to love everything my body does while I am having my period. I am in my twenties and used to have the most excruciating pain for years. I was always taught to just ‘eat’ the pain, so that meant stuffing the pain away since it wasn’t something I could change anyway. I might as well get ahead of it. It got to a point where I got sick and threw up, which made me scared for the next month. I always dreaded getting my period because it hurt me.
A couple of years passed, and I stopped throwing up, and I didn’t have the pain every month. I was content with that since I told myself that it could have been worse. So, as that went on, I was reading the stories on The Secret Super App and came across a teenage girl who managed to get her period on the exact days she wanted it to be. I was in awe and felt incredibly motivated to try it. I started by looking at when my next period was, telling myself how many days I wanted it to be, and writing everything down.
Long story short, it did not work. I got so obsessed with my period that I started to doubt myself and the Universe. It was almost as if I wanted to take everything over so I would feel assured that it was going to happen. Because of this, I had already given up before I could even give the Universe a chance.
I wanted to try it again. This time around, I said to myself and to the Universe that I was thankful for everything that my body does and what I wanted my period to look like. I visualized everything and felt so grateful. Then I told myself that this was it and that I had to let it go, and I moved on to something else. I was not going to think about it anymore and just let it be, and if I had any thoughts about it, I would replace those by saying how grateful I am for my period and for my beautiful and amazing body.
I am so grateful and so happy to say that my dream came true! I was almost shocked, but I had to tell myself that this was going to happen.
This was really the extra confirmation I needed to know that I can do anything I set my mind to! Nothing is impossible for the Universe!
These last couple of weeks, I finally realized how easy it is to create my beautiful life. I just have to let it go and believe! If you are like I was, feeling like your dream has not come true, the Universe has your back! The only thing we have to do is live our lives with love. Let love guide you to your dream life. I noticed when I was not focused on my wish and just living life as usual with lots of love, it was there. And every time there is an opposing thought, think about how grateful you are for that.
Again, I want to say thank you to everyone who keeps me motivated with their stories and Rhonda and her team who make it possible for us to read them. Magic dust to all of you, and as I would say in my native tongue: Grantangi en mi e wins un wan swit dey! Or, great thanks, and I wish you a lovely day.