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Submitted by: Danielle H
UK,Surrey33 years old, 2 beautiful children, full time job for a global company with the finance sector.
I said to myself that this year I am going to take my family on holiday. I put it out there and then forgot about it as it felt not important to be in my daily worries or prays as I have bigger things to worry about like paying bills, school fees, and saving to buy a home for my babies!
I would look at holidays and just not book them after looking at my savings account. My account showed that I would have to pay a lot of fees if I used that money for a holiday or anything else then I would be in arrears. So I said to myself that I would take my babies on holiday, left it at that, closed my laptop, and fell asleep.
A few weeks later I was working at my desk on a call and I received a miss call from a family friend. Later when I returned the call, she said I would like to take you and your family on holiday, all paid for by me. I have it booked for an amazing destination that we have not visited before!
I burst into tears of joy and gratitude to think that someone knows I needed this! Someone could see I work hard and I do not go out or do anything for myself, I feel seen and now I can pay for school and have some vacation time off with my babies in the Seychelles!
Thank you so much to the Universe!