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All Is Starting To Fall Into Place.
Submitted by: Grateful C
South AfricaI am 39 years old with a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter. I started my own business in August and was worried that it might not work.
On 1 August 2023, I opened a slimming salon not knowing if it would work. I started believing that it would work and that it would be wonderful. During the next 2 months, things were up and down. At the end of September, I did not have even one client. But I still believed that it was going to pick up.
On the 7th of October, I got a big client. That ensured that I would have enough money to pay my rent for 2 months with the income I would receive from all her treatments. So my desire is starting to become reality and I know it is only going to be getting bigger and better. Thank you so very much for The Secret Super App. Thank you!