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I Manifested A Text From Him!
Submitted by: Nadia
LondonI am a 23 year old woman, living in France and trying to navigate life and adulthood.
I had met a very handsome guy through a friend of mine last summer. He works in another country far away so he only comes back briefly during summer. He messaged me once or twice during the year, but the conversation was so brief that there really wasn’t much to work with.
I hadn’t heard from him all up until July, and one day I was thinking of him and that I really wanted him to text me. Something told me he would and it would be soon.
I sort of pictured in my mind receiving a text from him and I felt all excited. But rather than overindulging in this thought and constantly thinking about it to only be met with utter disappointment, which so happens to be my case a lot of the time, I decided to stop thinking about it all together. I did not overindulge in the feeling of being excited. I just made myself forget the guy, my desire to talk to him, and the feeling all together. Obviously, this is not easy! But I just forced myself to became present in whatever I was doing so that I could forget about it. So I enjoyed the thought, smiled at it and went on with whatever I was doing at the time, forgetting all about it.
Two hours later I got a text from the guy. He had arrived the very same day and he wanted to go for a drink with me that very evening! It felt like a coincidence, but maybe I manifested it? Your thoughts really do become things!
But, and this is the funny part, we went out for drinks. I thought it was the first of many to come and that we would see each other again throughout the week. The guy was only staying a week, so we had limited time to meet up. But he did not ask me to hang out after that, not once!
All I was getting were random texts throughout the entire week, of him asking me what I was up to, but zero action was being taken! I was a bit like, huh?? Clearly, I was only manifesting texts and not anything further than that!
Eventually we did meet again. In fact, we ended up sharing a kiss. Either his thoughts manifested that or mine did, or both, ha! He left at the end of the week and I knew I would not hear from him again.
Realizing the pattern of my thoughts, I decided to test it out to see if I could manifest another text from him even after he left. So, I walked myself through the process: I did the imaging of the text thing again and feeling excited. Then I let it go and forgot about it.
I guess it worked because he messaged me the next day saying he already missed the place and will hopefully be back again later this summer!
Too bad he didn’t say he missed me, but I can always manifest that part when I want to, I suppose.