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The extra push
Submitted by: R.P
New YorkI am an artist building a business
I quit my job and began a consulting business one year ago. With very little savings and no other source of income but my paintings, I launched into this venture. I supported myself for a year managing to sell some works and to take the company off the ground with two small projects. But the moment came when I had no more money left for my next month’s $1,300 rent. All my money was reinvested. No projects were yet showing up. I decided I needed to either take a loan or find a job that would give me that next “financial push”… A temporary assignment that would help me continue to move forward. I looked and looked, sent out tens of resumes… Nothing, no response.
That is when a friend reached me via postal mail with a package that contained the book. I read The Secret and then visited the website. With strong faith and the deepest belief I printed the Universal bank check. I said to the Universe: “I need 50,000 to continue building my business, and lower rent.” I placed this check, as instructed, in front of my laptop on my desk, and continued to work every day on my business development… not knowing where rent would come from.
Two weeks ago I received a call from my boyfriend: his parents had decided to renovate a property of theirs in the City and offered it to both of us to live and pay a maintenace fee of $500 between the two of us. The same week I received a call from a friend whom I haven’t seen in 8 years. A vacancy in her office had opened for a temporary (1 yr) job paying 45,000. She wanted me to take the job. I was concerned about working full time again in an office. She oferred all the time flexibility I needed for my company. “We need someone like you urgently,” she said.
A week ago a new client called my studio. He had been referred to me by a friend of his. He has commisioned a new project from me. The invoice totaled $15,000. My profit on this sale will be $5000.
Now, New Yorkers only believe in taxi cabs and bagels. But HEY!… call it The Secret, call it faith, call it the right mind set, or as you prefer. All I know is that I will pay my $1300 rent this month for the second to last time. I have more than enough for my rent. I have plenty to continue my business, I have a job that helps people of less means, and an exciting future sharing a beautiful space with the man I love at a price I love! MOST OF ALL I have what it takes to believe! AND THAT makes me feel wonderful every time I wake up every morning, and before I open my eyes when I sit on the bed and touch the ground with my feet, I say GRACIAS.
Today I called my friend who gave me The Secret book. I left a message for him: “It works!!”