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I Watched The Secret And 45 Days Later..
Submitted by: Joey C.
Queens, NYCI’m 41 years older and I’m a Certified Health and Life Coach who is abundant in all areas of life. I’m finally living in and walking in my life’s purpose, to help others manifest their dream lives!
Since October 2020 I’ve been on a journey of self introspection, healing, and growing. I’ve been studying health and life coaching and I was certified in April 2021.
One random Sunday morning while I was drinking coffee in my living room, a thought was dropped in my mind. It was like someone dropped a coin in a piggy bank. It was there out of nowhere because I wasn’t thinking about anything related to the topic. The thought was simple: “The law of attraction.” Hmm. So, I searched Amazon Prime for the law of attraction and I found The Secret movie. I rented it and my mind was blown!
I watched it immediately a second time and this began my law of attraction journey into a positive mindset and a healthy money mindset. I wrote a list of 5 things I was grateful for while watching The Secret again and again that day.
That same day, with barely any money in my bank account, I went to a Dunkin Donuts and immediately I heard someone say, “Give your $20 bill to the kid in the drive-thru.” So, I did. Whew! I was nervous but I knew that once the money left my hand I would feel great.
Then in the coming days and weeks, I began to devour anything I could see or read about the law of attraction. I found videos of Rhonda talking about it, Bob Proctor, Dr. Vitale, and Jack Canfield. With each person’s wisdom, I dug deeper. I practiced scripting, visualization, meditation, and affirmations every single day! I also donated to charities when I barely had money for food and gas. I downloaded all of The Secret Apps and practiced them every day. I wrote checks to myself too! I dreamed big and I believed big!
The first law of attraction miracle that happened was when I ordered the book, The Secret, and it was delayed in shipping so the shipper credited me for the book and it showed up in my mail within two days, for free! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Now for the big stuff. Well, it’s been 49 days as I write this today on a Sunday, and let me tell you! Within 46 days from when I first watched The Secret, $18,000 hit my bank account. Wow! Then, a few weeks ago an opportunity for a paid writing job fell into my lap, on top of that I found $10 in an old pair of pants and that same day friends blessed me with $120 as a going away gift, and I sold $120 in candles! I resigned from my job and I’m now moving to a better, sunnier state with lots of opportunity. I was also approved for the apartment I wanted which is a 2 bed 1 bath with washer and dryer, a large kitchen and it is only $5 more in rent than my apartment I am living in now. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Positivity works, visualization works, the law of attraction works, scripting works, affirmations work, and living as if you are that dream version of yourself works! I am abundant, and not just financially but in all areas of my life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
P.S. I got a new pair of glasses a few weeks ago and there was a defect in them. I went back to the eyeglass place and the manager told me to pick a new pair and to keep the ones I have now. And guess what!? The second pair is the exact style I had wanted to begin with. Now I have two brand new pairs of glasses! Abundance is everywhere!