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Forever Blessed.
Submitted by: someone you willl remeber
BrasilSomeone you will remember.
Hello, I am Lulu.
Ever since I can remember, my mom use the law of attraction to get what she wanted. We are Christians, so every time she wanted a new piece of furniture, for example, she used to say while pointing to where she wanted it; “Can you see it, Lu? I can see it already there. In the name of Jesus, it is already there.”
I always used affirmations in my life, and I remember one day looking on the shelf and finding a book there, called “Há Poder Em Suas Palavras”, or “There Is Power In Your Words” in English, by Don Gossett. In this book, he teaches how to use faith and your words to receive blessings from God. In this book he describes situations that he saw as a preacher, including a cancer healing. He says to “Act as if you were already healing. Start to do stuff that you did not do before. Praise the Lord because you’re healing. When others ask about your conditions, just tell them the fact that you are already healing because Jesus told you.” My mom saw that I was reading it and said, “That is strong, isn’t it?.” And it was.
I’ve seen and tried a lot of manifestation methods, and they work. I’m always thanking God for the opportunities and the blessings. I’m always saying that the Universe is always in my favor.
Now I am going to tell you some of my experiences.
I’m from Brazil, and at the beginning of 2019, I went to Carnaval with galaxy makeup on my face and a sentence on a piece of paper hanging on my neck, saying “The Universe Conspires In My Favor.” I didn’t even know about the law of attraction but I was already using it. In that year, wonderful things started to happen.
A group that I’m a fan of was coming to my city for the first time, and I didn’t have money to buy a ticket to the performance. They have a partnership with a deodorant brand and they decided to make sortition. People would register the code of the invoice, and someone would be chosen to get a ticket. I never had bought their deodorant before. It cost 11.20 and I only had 11.00, but my grandma gave me exactly 20 cents to buy it. I bought just one deodorant. I registered the only code that I had a lot of times, and every single time I was saying, “In the name of Jesus it is already mine. I am grateful for having won the sortition to go to the show.”
One day I came back from school, and my dad and my mom were waiting for me together in the living room of my house. I got into my bedroom and there was my mom’s cellphone with the brand’s email telling us that we won the tickets. I cried with happiness, thanked God, and felt so lucky and blessed! In a week I was already receiving the tickets at my house, preparing some gifts for the group, and going to the show. Everything was amazing, and I even had the chance to give the gift to them and the opportunity to be pointed out by them in the show.
Another thing. I love to participate in giveaways. I have won a lot of them. I’ve won books and other things. One time I was participating in some of them, where I would win a book of my choice. I really wanted a new book so I decided to try the 55×5 method and I said, “I am grateful for winning all the giveaways that I participated in!” It was already mine, so I didn’t even get surprised when I won one of them. I felt so grateful that I couldn’t stop saying thank you.
Remember the group that I am a fan of? I was in a group chat with fans of that group. It was a fan club group chat, and this fan club was one of the most famous fan clubs of the group. So one time, they got the chance to make a Zoom meeting with one of the group members, and then they would allow 20 people to talk with the group member. There were a lot of people in the group chat. Everybody freaked out! To get into the meeting, you had to be one of the first 20 people to sign into a formulary. I was there at the exact moment that the formulary got sent. I sent. I waited. I prayed. And with the faith that I had, boom! I got accepted! I felt really grateful for having the opportunity to talk with the group member.
I finally got a manifestation journal. I created the cover by myself. Everything is done my way. That was the best decision. I started to write all of my desires there. And I can assure you that all of them came true. Some of them are happening at this exact moment, some of them are already coming, and all the rest have already happened.
I know this is getting way too long, but I’m going to try to sum up some things that I was able to manifest:
The show, the meeting, a lot of money, books, A+ in all my grades the whole year, compliments everywhere I go, the last tickets to watch the last session of a movie that I wanted to see, great experiences, a lot of fun in parties, winning the gold medal in the national mathematic exam, came in third place on an exam to get into my dream high school and a lot of other things.
Now I’ll give some tips:
Watch the movies ‘The Secret; Dare to Dream“, and “The Secret”, read the book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, and search for Neville Goddard.
Every night before going to sleep, say to yourself; “I deserve, I manifest, I accept, I act, I believe, I am grateful”, while imagining what you want.
Use Pinterest in your favor to create vision boards. Search for new methods and never stop believing.
I will finish my story with a sentence from an Annie Darling book; “People who give up never win, and winners never give up.”
I believe in you, and I am grateful for my story and that it can be an inspiration for a lot of people. Keep reading and believing in The Secret!