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Manifested A Cat!
Submitted by: Bubbles
IndiaA believer.
Hi all, I would like to thank Rhonda Byrne and her entire team at The Secret for all the joy and peace The Secret has brought me.
This manifestation was before I knew anything about The Secret, but it all made so much sense to me once I had read the book. There used to be a ginger cat in my apartment, and I would always play with it when I got the time. It used to belong to the tenants upstairs but they let it out frequently. Suddenly, they were moving, and along with their stuff, they took away the cat.
I was feeling sad for a while, but I got over it soon. After some time, just for fun, I would imagine having a ginger cat in my apartment! I even went a step further and would imagine that it was pregnant and was in front of our flat.
This went on for almost a year, and then I completely forgot about it. And you won’t believe it but a random ginger cat appeared out of nowhere on our terrace. At the time, I didn’t really think that I had manifested it, I just thought it was a coincidence.
And guess what? It was pregnant!
This was too real to be true I thought. Now it has given birth to three kittens and they roam around in our flat.
After reading The Secret, I realized this was my manifestation, my creation.
Thank you all for reading my story!