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Diamond Earrings.
Submitted by: Milly Thomas
Grand Rapids, MII have been studying the law of attraction and The Secret since 2015.
I have been studying the law of attraction and The Secret since 2015. I feel like I’m finally getting the hang of it. I keep rereading The Power, a new chapter every day. I will ask the Universe what chapter I should read today and then I randomly open the book and I read whatever chapter I open. Then I use that knowledge with everything I learn and see what I can attract that day.
So it’s crazy! The day before yesterday, I keep telling myself all day that basically, I can manifest anything I want instantly and effortlessly. I have split ears so I can only wear studs. I love diamond studs because I can wear them with anything.
So the day before yesterday I lost one earring. So yesterday I went to Kohl’s to buy a new set. Once I got the set I was repeatedly telling myself that I love buying real diamond earrings, and felt love for them as if they were real diamonds. I came home and my boyfriend surprised me with a pair of real diamond earrings! They fit perfectly even though my ear lobes were split.
So that night I took them off so I would not lose them in my sleep. Today I went out the eat with my girlfriend. When I left and had driven about 5 miles I looked in my mirror and I noticed that I lost one of my earrings. So I rushed back to the restaurant and backtracked and even went back inside and couldn’t find my earring for anything.
So I stopped and started to feel love, knowing that I would find my earring. I keep saying thank you for letting me find my earring as I was searching the sidewalk and parking lot.
After I searched back and forth about 4 times there was an ice cream store next to the restaurant I was at. So I decided to go get ice cream to enjoy myself and to just stop and give love for me finding my earring. As soon as I finished eating my ice cream, I looked down and there was my earring! I was so happy that I just yelled thank you! Then when I got into my car I started to cry tears of joy. I just could not believe it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This was all because I did not focus on my problem. I focused on what I wanted and I felt love for it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so much!!!